Find Trollpikken in Egersund the easy way

The easy route to Trollpikken, a unique stone-formation, with route-map, description as well as coordinates for parking. It became world-famous in 2017, when it was cut off during the night. Money was raised to get it back in position and two weeks later it was back standing again.

Ten attractions
Start: Trollpikken
Stopp: Car-parking (Reverse)
Route: Map below

1 Trollpikken

Google maps

Finaly there. Eat your lunch or whatever and enjoy the view in all directions. In 2017, the rock formation fell victim to an act of vandalism. It was broken lose with mechanical force and the weight of 12 tons was found lying intact right below its foundation. Holes were drilled into the block and the foundation to get it back, but you can still se the scars. 

Tourists or hikers entering Trollpikken rock-formation in good weather

2 Small lake with a view to Trollpikken

Google maps

Your first glips of Trollpikken. The phallus-shaped stones name can be translated to.... Yes you get it. The full trip from the car-parking is 2.3 kilometres each way and suitable for happy walkers and families. 

A small beautifull lake with the trollpikken rock with some climbing people in the background

You can go the same way back to the car-parking, or take a longer route to Vannbassengan and then Egersund city. Both trails are marked with signs.

4 The nature trail

Trollpikken and the whole area where you will walk was shaped during the last ice age that ended about 10,000 years ago. The low mountains are shaved by moving ice, and be sure to check out the large moving blocks that has been transported here by the same ice. The rock is called anorthosite and it is the same as on the moon-surface. 

People walking in the sun on the trail between the small mountains which makes this landscape

5 Waterfall

Google maps

This cultural landscape is also formed by traditional cultivation and animal farming. You can see old land borders made of stone, newer fences and lakes along the trail. This waterfall is of Instagram quality. You might also see animals on your way.

A hiker looking at the waterfall on the trail to trollpikken

6 Port from the gravel road to the nature trail

Google maps

From here on, just follow the trail, the wooden bridges covering wet areas and the signs, and you will be at Trollpikken in no time.

A gate which you can open to go from the road and into the nature near Egersund

7 Information board

Halfway up the gravel-road are two rock-solid information signs in different languages. Make a stop to see the full history and all the facts.

A girl looking at the information board which gives you the history of Trollpikken as well as som facts

We did the walk, and the whole family returned with big smiles...

9 Uphill gravel-road

Take right and walk up the gravel-road. Follow uphill until you see the port that says "Trollpikken" furter up on the right side.

Two persons with backpacks going uphill on the gravel-road

10 Car-parking

Google maps

Park your car here and start by following the signs to Trollpikken. You are in the beautiful nature tight away, even if the first part is on the road. Expect to see farm-animals along this part of route.

Car parked near Trollpikken in Egersund

Author: Sem Hadland (More about me)

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